Core Technology Services


There is no innovation without a solid foundation

IT基础设施的重要性在于,当它正常运行时, you can expect increases in performance, reliability, and cost savings. 92% 许多员工报告说,使用工具和软件使他们的工作更容易,从而提高了他们的工作满意度. As an added benefit, 这项技术还可以让员工更快地完成任务, more efficiently, and with better accuracy. In essence, IT infrastructure is in place to enable the storage, tracking, communication, and use of information. IT基础设施服务的目的是确保基础设施启动、运行并以其最佳能力运行.  

So how does this network relate to profits? As the saying goes, technology is great, when it works. 然而,当您的IT基础设施出现故障时,您可能会遇到以下问题:

  • Communication breakdowns

  • Blocked access to data

  • Security breaches

What do all of these problems have in common? 他们会让你的团队成员更难完成他们的工作,为你的客户提供价值.

Nobody plans for IT issues, but they’re inevitable. In fact, 80% of Americans experience tech issues every day. 每天都有这么多与技术相关的挫折发生, 你端的一个小故障就可能成为客户的崩溃点, and you’ll lose their business. On top of that, 当你的员工经常遇到技术头疼的时候, they’re not performing to the best of their ability.  

但是这些对你的业务的干扰一定要这么确定吗? They don’t. That’s where IT infrastructure services come in. 拥有一个全面的IT基础设施管理计划可以帮助您实现技术的好处, including: 

  • Increasing employee productivity

  • Improving customer experience

  • Gaining access to relevant, real-time data

当涉及到决定你的业务是否会盈利时, 大多数决策者会考虑销售成本等因素, net revenue retention, and market share. But what about information technology (IT) infrastructure? 您的企业的IT基础设施包括所有组件(硬件和软件),这些组件允许您的技术协同工作,从而提高工作效率. 从存放在共享的Google Drive中的文档到工作流软件,甚至是无线打印机. 您的IT基础设施还包括各种设备之间的连接, software, and accounts.

Moser can be your Managed Services Provider

mg官方游戏中心的基础设施服务之一是一个完整的管理技术服务提供商. 当您选择Moser时,您将拥有mg官方游戏中心在5个专业领域的350名技术人员的全部资源:应用服务, Business Services, Data and Analytics, Government and Infrastructure.

Moser Managed Services的价值始于对客户业务技术优势的理解, weaknesses, opportunities and threats in the Discovery Phase; quantifying the technology services to be provided in the Solution Phase; and the increased business technology performance, 通过交付Moser托管服务获得的可靠性和成本节约. 

Infrastructure service offerings

proactively manage your it

Proactive Technology Management:



Network management

Network and Server Monitoring:


network administrator at server

Network Administration:

此服务涵盖对IT基础架构的所有定期维护, 例如确保防病毒程序是最新的,过多的信息存储不会减慢你的连接速度.

helpdesk services call workers

Reactive Support Services:

如果您的IT基础设施通常运行良好,但一旦出现问题,您不知道该怎么办, then reactive support services could be for you. 当你需要打电话让你的系统重新启动并运行时,专家会在电话的另一端. 


server room admin

Technology Consulting:

知道在您的网络中包含哪种技术是成功的一半. IT基础设施服务提供商可以实现您的目标,并找到满足这些目标的最佳工具. mg官方游戏中心也可以作为你和你的技术供应商之间的调解人, 这样你就可以专注于你的业务,而不是管理一个不断扩展的技术堆栈.

professional services experts

Professional Services:

你是否需要额外的团队成员来推动项目完成? 专业服务可以为您提供项目经理和主题专家,他们是IT基础设施的核心.

We’re always looking for top IT professionals. Experience the award winning culture at Moser!

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